Sunday, December 18, 2011

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Il is Dead

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il was announced died on December 17, 2011. It was recently announced to the international community. North Korean state television said he died from "physical and mental over-work". Many suspect his death was heart related. I will post updates when there is more information.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The October Revolution

Today is the anniversary of the October Revolution. In the October Revolution the Bolsheviks and workers overthrew the Russian Provisional Government in Petrograd. After the Provisional Government was overthrown power was given to the Soviets (workers' councils). The memory of the October Revolution will live on in the working people of the world.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pro-Government Rallies in Syria

Yesterday there were pro-Bashar al-Assad rallies in Damascus and Latakia. The Damascus rally was in Umayyad Square around two million Syrians showed up. The slogan for the Damascus rally was "Long Live the Homeland and its Leaders ... Syrian People are One Family". The praticipants of the rally carried around pictures and banners of Bashar al-Assad and waved Syrian, Russian, and Chinese flags. In the middle of the rally there was a 500 meter long family tree banner with President Bashar al-Assad in the center of it. President Bashar al-Assad who is a member of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party has the support of many socialist, nasserist, and nationalist parties in Syria including both Syrian communist parties.Over a million Syrians showed up to the rally in the coastal city of Latakia. Like at the rally in Damascus People were carrying around pictures
of Bashar al-Assad and waving Syrian, Russian, and Chinese flags. These rallies have been very important rallies in challenging imperialism. The Syrian's are representing that they do not want foreign intervention in Syria or regime change. The Syrian government has been working on reforms to appease to the Syrian people. Syrian people want Bashar al-Assad not the Turkish based Syrian National Council. China and Russia have become popular in Syria since they vetoed a proposed UN Security Council resolution to impose sanctions on Syria. Also yesterday President Assad met with senior officials of the Arab League to try to work out a solution to the unrest in the country. The imperialists don't want to see a simple end to the unrest in Syria they forcefully want regime change in Syria like in Libya or Iraq. The working people of the world will not allow another war like in Libya or Iraq to happen in Syria.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi Still Fighting

Muammar Gaddafi's second son Saif al-Islam is alive and still fighting against the NTC. He has gone around the country and met with different tribes which have agreed to fight against the NTC government. Saif al-Islam who got his PhD at the London School of Economics was seen by the west as a friendly successor to Gaddafi and a "reformer". Once the civil war broke out he stood up to defend his father, and country. Saif al-Islam luckily escaped Sirte after rebels took it over, and has been traveling around Libya meeting with tribes and Gaddafi supporters. There are rumors the he is possibly in Niger. Earlier this week on the Syrian Arrai TV channel that he is still alive and free in Libya.

 Long Live Saif al-Islam
Long Live the Libyan Jamahiriya 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gaddafi Murdered

Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi has been murdered by the NTC rebels. On October 20, 2011 Gaddafi was captured along with his son Moatassem Gaddafi in the city of Sirte. For a month and five days Gaddafi and his supporters had been bravely defending Sirte Gaddafi's birth place. The brave loyalists withstood a month of NATO bombing and NTC shelling untill NTC rebels overpowered the Loyalists. On the 20th after the NTC rebels captured Gaddafi they inhumanely paraded him around and then finally murdering him with a shot to the head. Since his death videos and pictures have been circulating of Gaddafi's corpse. After the murder Gaddafi's body along with his son's body was put on public display in a market freezer in Misrata. This morning against Gaddafi's wishes to be buried in Sirte he was buried with his son in a secret location in the desert. Gaddafi's body was buried in a secret location because NATO and the NTC know that Gaddafi is now a martyr and still has a lot of supporters in Libya. President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch have all condemned Gaddafi's murder. Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is still alive and resisting the NTC. Two days before Gaddafi was murdered Hillary Clinton made a surprise visit to Tripoli where she stated that the USA wants to see Gaddafi captured or killed. Has imperialism won? No! Gaddafi is now a martyr to revolutionaries and socialists all around the world. Long live the Jamahiriya and the Third International Theory!

RIP Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi
RIP Moatassem Billah Gaddafi

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cesar Chavez Day

Today is Cesar Chavez Day. Cesar Chavez was an advocate of farm worker labor unions. In 1962 Chavez co-founded the National Farm Workers Association of America. Chavez helped unionize farm workers and fight for latino civil rights. His work should not be forgotten.

140th Anniversary Of The Paris Commune

March 18 was the 140th anniversary of the Paris Commune. The Paris Commune was the first worker's state the world has ever seen. The Paris Commune was formed by anarchists, marxists, and socialists workers after France lost the Franco-Prussian War. The war had caused death, food shortages, and a huge gap between the poor and the rich. During the war thousands of civilians were members of the National Guard, which was a militia to protect Paris during the sieges by the Prussians. Many of the leaders in the National Guard were radical socialists. The Central Committee was formed in the National Guard to defend against the monarchist majority of the French National Assembly. On March 18, 1871 the National Guard started to revolt in Paris, they were joined by regular French army units. In response the French president ordered all military and government to abandon Paris and head to Versailles. The Central Committee was now the only government in Paris. Communal elections were held on March 26 and elected the communal council. Some of the decrees implemented by the commune included separation of church and state, the right for employees to takeover and run an enterprise, pawn shops returning workers pawned tools during the war for free, and a maximum wage of 6,000 francs. On May 21, 1871 the French army invaded the Paris Commune. During the siege of the Paris Commune by the French army tens of thousands of workers and civilians were executed On May 28, 1871 the French army captured Paris, and the Paris Commune was ended.  You might be wondering why dose this matter? The Paris commune matters because it was the first time the working class took control of a government. The Paris Commune would be praised by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, and Mao. The Paris Commune helped inspire revolutionary socialists like Lenin and Mao to create the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China. Most will agree that the Paris Commune was the first example of the dictatorship of the proletariat. To this day the Paris Commune is an example of what the working class can accomplish when it unites to create a better world.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ousted Dictators Should Go On Trial

Ousted dictators Ben Ali and Mubarak must stand trail for their crimes against their own people while in office. Ben Ali and Mubarak that undemocratically and brutally ruled Tunisia and Egypt where the first two leaders to be overthrown in the 2010-2011 North African/Middle East protests.  Unfortunately Mubarak's location is unknown, but it is known that Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Arabian government should hand Ben Ali over to the Tunisian government so he can stand trial for his crimes as president of Tunisia. Mubarak is rumored to have fled to Sharm el-Sheikh in the Sinai Peninsula with his family. Hopefully the government of Egypt will be able to find Mubarak. Hopefully the revolutions will spread to Saudi Arabia, Morocco and other totalitarian monarchies in North Africa/Middle East. Long live the revolutions and the workers of the world!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Comrade Chavez Supports Bashar al-Assad

The Middle East and North African protests have spread to Syria, and  Comrade Hugo Chavez has expressed support for Bashar al-Assad and his government against the violent protesters. In Syria their has been violence between authorities and violent protesters trying to overthrow the Ba'athist government. Chavez has claimed "Now some supposed political protests movements have begun (in Syria), a few deaths ... and now they are accusing the president of killing his people and later the Yankees will come to bomb the people to save them". The USA imperialist are obviously coming up with lies to overthrow anti-imperialist and socialist leaders such as Muammar al-Gaddafi and Bashar al-Assad. Chavez has stated that Bashar al-Assad is a "humanist" and "a man of great human sensitivity". Hopefully the progressive and socialist country of Syria will not have to suffer imperialist attacks like Libya unfortunately has.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Imperialist Attack Against The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya!

For my first post in Daily Marxism I would like to talk about the attack against the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Obviously this imperialist attack is only happening so the USA and it's allies can have accesses to the oil reserves in Libya (the largest in Africa and the 9th largest in the world).  The USA and NATO are fast to intervene in the Libyan conflict, which is against Gaddafi an anti-imperialist leader, but where was the USA and NATO during the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt? They were hiding hoping their puppets Mubarak and Ben Ali would still be in power when all of this passed. All progressive forces must oppose this imperialist strike against a socialist nation and leader! Even though Gaddafi used unnecessary force against peaceful protesters we must remember he's now fighting against a rebel army. We can not support the monarchist rebels, who will make Libya and it's oil a pawn for the western imperialists. Even though Gaddafi's actions may seem eccentric at times we must remember that Gaddafi nationalized many companies in Libya and put them under worker control. The Green Book is a great resource for knowledge on the political and economic theories of Libya. We can not let Libya turn into another Iraq. Do not support the imperialist attacks on Libya.
Green Book online English translation