Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pro-Government Rallies in Syria

Yesterday there were pro-Bashar al-Assad rallies in Damascus and Latakia. The Damascus rally was in Umayyad Square around two million Syrians showed up. The slogan for the Damascus rally was "Long Live the Homeland and its Leaders ... Syrian People are One Family". The praticipants of the rally carried around pictures and banners of Bashar al-Assad and waved Syrian, Russian, and Chinese flags. In the middle of the rally there was a 500 meter long family tree banner with President Bashar al-Assad in the center of it. President Bashar al-Assad who is a member of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party has the support of many socialist, nasserist, and nationalist parties in Syria including both Syrian communist parties.Over a million Syrians showed up to the rally in the coastal city of Latakia. Like at the rally in Damascus People were carrying around pictures
of Bashar al-Assad and waving Syrian, Russian, and Chinese flags. These rallies have been very important rallies in challenging imperialism. The Syrian's are representing that they do not want foreign intervention in Syria or regime change. The Syrian government has been working on reforms to appease to the Syrian people. Syrian people want Bashar al-Assad not the Turkish based Syrian National Council. China and Russia have become popular in Syria since they vetoed a proposed UN Security Council resolution to impose sanctions on Syria. Also yesterday President Assad met with senior officials of the Arab League to try to work out a solution to the unrest in the country. The imperialists don't want to see a simple end to the unrest in Syria they forcefully want regime change in Syria like in Libya or Iraq. The working people of the world will not allow another war like in Libya or Iraq to happen in Syria.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi Still Fighting

Muammar Gaddafi's second son Saif al-Islam is alive and still fighting against the NTC. He has gone around the country and met with different tribes which have agreed to fight against the NTC government. Saif al-Islam who got his PhD at the London School of Economics was seen by the west as a friendly successor to Gaddafi and a "reformer". Once the civil war broke out he stood up to defend his father, and country. Saif al-Islam luckily escaped Sirte after rebels took it over, and has been traveling around Libya meeting with tribes and Gaddafi supporters. There are rumors the he is possibly in Niger. Earlier this week on the Syrian Arrai TV channel that he is still alive and free in Libya.

 Long Live Saif al-Islam
Long Live the Libyan Jamahiriya 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gaddafi Murdered

Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi has been murdered by the NTC rebels. On October 20, 2011 Gaddafi was captured along with his son Moatassem Gaddafi in the city of Sirte. For a month and five days Gaddafi and his supporters had been bravely defending Sirte Gaddafi's birth place. The brave loyalists withstood a month of NATO bombing and NTC shelling untill NTC rebels overpowered the Loyalists. On the 20th after the NTC rebels captured Gaddafi they inhumanely paraded him around and then finally murdering him with a shot to the head. Since his death videos and pictures have been circulating of Gaddafi's corpse. After the murder Gaddafi's body along with his son's body was put on public display in a market freezer in Misrata. This morning against Gaddafi's wishes to be buried in Sirte he was buried with his son in a secret location in the desert. Gaddafi's body was buried in a secret location because NATO and the NTC know that Gaddafi is now a martyr and still has a lot of supporters in Libya. President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch have all condemned Gaddafi's murder. Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is still alive and resisting the NTC. Two days before Gaddafi was murdered Hillary Clinton made a surprise visit to Tripoli where she stated that the USA wants to see Gaddafi captured or killed. Has imperialism won? No! Gaddafi is now a martyr to revolutionaries and socialists all around the world. Long live the Jamahiriya and the Third International Theory!

RIP Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi
RIP Moatassem Billah Gaddafi